ProMED在2014/01/02時發布了一則消息: Serum study finds weak antibody response to H7N9 此消息是出自中國大陸研究團隊對2013年H7N9患者的血液樣本所進行的一篇研究,其內容指出: Protective antibody response to H7N9 was relatively weak, with neutralizing antibody response lower than the response to the 2009 H1N1 and H5N1 viruses. Also, serum IgG avidity for H7 was lower than that for H1 and H3. In addition, the group found a correlation between IgG levels against H3 in acute-phase serum and IgG levels against H7 in convalescent serum. 簡單來講,就是無論是Protective antibody或是neutralizing antibody對於H7N9的反應都相對較弱,因此該研究團隊的其中一名作者建議若要讓疫苗提供足夠的保護力,則可能需要接種數劑的疫苗。 ProMED附上的文獻資訊: Guo L, Zhang X, Ren L, et al: Human Antibody Responses to Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus, 2013 Emerg Infect Dis [Internet] 2014; 20(2); . 如果DOI的連結等待太久請利用此超連結 本著作依據 Creative Commons 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享授權條款 釋出 內容如有錯誤 煩請不吝指教